The Big Explosion

The Big Explosion
I remember it like it was yesterday.All I remember is that the fireworks we shooting and a then it happen.It was 4th of July.
 My family and I were driving to my grandma’s house.We arrived around 3:00 we got out of the car and dashed to the backyard.We asked our mom if we could go swimming she remarked “Yes y’all may”, and we leaped in the muddy lake water.
 We got the fireworks and started shooting the little fireworks first,also we played with the sparklers.The last one was up,and my cousin and I jumped off the dock to early then the big firework tipped over and bounced off the shed into the fire pit.
 We darted to the porch as fast as we could, and covered our face with the towel.The fire department came and sprayed the big red fire with the extinguishers. Even though the big explosion frightened us half to death I still had a great time.I learned that be brave no matter what.I still remember that day like it was yesterday.